How to change the integrated terminal in VS Code from default to Pro (iTerm-ish) 🔥 ?

Sai Ankit
3 min readJun 23, 2020


In this reading I will guide you to change your integrated terminal in VS code which would be a default terminal style to a Pro iTerm-ish style !

The only prerequisites you must be having are and Oh-My-Zsh installed on your terminal with your iTerm completely configured.

To configure your iTerm please do follow this step-by-step tutorial

Let’s go with setting up a similar one on VS Code.

Press “ ⌘ ➕ , ” to open the Settings page of VS Code

Click on the icon to transit from the Settings GUI to Settings.json file

Step #1 :

Change the external Terminal from Regular one to iTerm ( this doesn't change the integrated terminal → we are going to change the external terminal that can be accessed from VS Code )

Add / Change to this

Step #2:

Now let us change the default shell of integrated terminal in VS Code

Add / Change this

Step #3:

For the font fix follow this procedure

#1 : Download Menlo For Powerline Font from this GitHub repository

#2 : Move the Menlo for Powerline.ttf file into /Users/[Your user name]/Library/Fonts

#3 : Now add Menlo for Powerline into the Editor font family

I use Fira Code as my default font for VS Code and Menlo is for the integrated terminal

#4 : Now change the integrated font family to Menlo for Powerline

Change the font Family to Menlo for Powerline

#5 : Add some line height in the integrated terminal for good visual appeal

#6 : If you are just like me who doesn’t like a block type of cursor then change it to line type

Color Color ❤️ 💛 💚 💙

I personally tweaked the colors based on my own Preferences and materialized a Color Palette that appealed me. You can use it if you like it.

Royalty Free 😉 !!

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {"terminal.background":"#131212",
"terminal.ansiBlue": "#bceafa",

Yeah !!

You have a iTerm-ish terminal as an integrated terminal in VS code.

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