How to setup custom search engines ( for Youtube, Amazon, etc )in chrome/brave

Sai Ankit
3 min readJul 19, 2022

You might visit some common sites all over the day multiple times for searching something on it, and to do it you visit the site main page initially and then enter your query in the search box. This might be tedious considering you waste a lot of time opening the main page, and navigating to the search bar. But no more wasting of time, I am here to help you setup shortcuts which help you directly enter your query in the new tab search bar, and you get your desired result. Isn’t it exciting ? Let’s get to it.

Searching without hotkeys
Searching using Hotkey

PS: I am using a brave browser for explanation, but you can use any chromium based browser of choice, and it is pretty much the same in all browsers.

Step 1: Head over to the settings page of your browser.

Step 2: Find an option where you see options such as Search Engine or Manage Search Engines and Search.

Step 3: Find this option and hit on Add

Step 4:

Here are the 3 fields you need to enter for your custom search engine.

Search Engine : This denotes the name of the search engine ( Ex : Youtube )

Shortcut : This is the shortcut you hit in new tab page to enter into the search engine of the desired page

URL : This is the place you need to enter the url of search engine you are aiming for, and you have to grab the URL after you search some random keyword, replace the keyword with %s

Let’s do an example

This is the custom search engine for YouTube
This is the custom search engine for Amazon

Add as many search engines as you wish to and yay! you are ready to rock the search.

