How to use DC++ on mac ( using NCDC ) ?

Sai Ankit
3 min readDec 19, 2021

There are no good DC++ GUIs available for mac OS and the only good one available is a terminal version of DC known as NCDC.


The first and foremost important thing you must be having on your machine before moving any further is homebrew. To install Homebrew you can visit the official website or directly paste the given command in your terminal.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install ncdc using brew, by directly pasting the given command in your terminal

brew install ncdc

Change setting to use Option as Meta Key in Mac Terminal

  1. Open Terminal and Press Command + ,
  2. Go to the “Profiles” tab and select the active profile in use
  3. Choose the “Keyboards” tab
  4. Check the box to enable “Use option as Meta key”
Use Option as Meta Key


Open Terminal and type ncdc to launch ncdc.

ncdc homepage

We can see that the working directory of ncdc is logged onto the screen as /Users/saiankit/.ncdc. We can navigate to the working directory and there is a folder called dl inside the working directory where all the downloads are saved.

Instructions for initial setup

  • /set active_port 34194
    Use this instruction as it is on the first launch
  • /set nick yourNick
    This instruction is to set your nick as yourNick as the name suggests
  • /set description yourDescription
    This instruction is to set your description for nick as yourDescription as the name suggests
  • /set active true


  • To start off launch an active hub at your place using the following command
/open NameOfHub is an example of hub at your place.

Example of a hub opened
  • You can use this command to search for your required file
/search Avengers

Your query opens in a new tab and shows results for the same. Use arrow keys to navigate up and down between files and to download a file press D on keyboard to add the given file to queue

  • You can use this command to get all the user List on given hub

This instruction opens all the userList in a new tab, and you can navigate using Up and down arrow keys, and if you want to view the share of the given nick, press B on keyboard, this opens the user shares in a separate tab

  • If you require any additional help, just type in /help to know more.

